The next 4 book reviews will be dedicated to books on fabrics. Since very early in my sewing adventure, I felt a need to understand how fabric varies from each other, how is it woven, where does it come from, what does it look like. Basic things like the warp and the weft were a mystery to me.
Textiles and Fashion by Jenny Udale was the first book I bought aimed at answering all those questions.
But it failed. Not because the book isn't good but simply because the book isn't about fabric and fabric caracteristics. The book is about textiles aimed at designers who want to produce their own fabrics. It leads an aspiring textile designer through the process of producing own fabrics, from researching and collecting samples, a basic explanation of fabric types and constructions, surface treatments and colour schemes. It's also aimed at the fashion designer who wants to design own fabrics to their collections.It has many interesting points such as the one below. Interesting placement on the fabric which complements and interacts with the design of the garment.
The book has some description and photos of fabric samples but the size and quality render them almost useless in getting a feel for what that fabric looks like.
If you are aspiring to print your own fabrics, not as a hobby but as a prospective career this book might be a good start for you. It doesn't have lots of detail but it covers all fundamental areas on textile design. For me, unfortunately it sits on the shelf and might one day be part of a giveaway.