Tuesday 12 March 2013

See you later!

I have decided to take a blogging holiday. I have been toying with this idea for quite some time and have decided to plunge in now. There is too much stuff happening in my life at the moment and blogging time has become difficult. So I'm going on holiday for a few months! I plan to be back in July (when some things will settle down) and I'm sure I will have tons of finished outfits to show you be then as I am still sewing. 

It's not a technology holiday so still email me at suzysewingblog[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk if you want or get in touch via twitter @MrsSuzySewing. I will still be reading blogs and seeing what everyone gets up to.

I'll leave you with a quick photo of my last make. A Burda skirt which makes running or going up the stairs impossible!

See you all later! xx


  1. Feet up and enjoy your no-blogging holiday!!!

  2. We will see you when you return, so have a good break!

    Your skirt is really chic and smart; it suits you.

    And your hair looks fabulous in that colour and style.

  3. Live it up offline and enjoy your break! :D

  4. I'm sure a break will revitalise you and make blogging fun again...I hope ;o) You'll be missed, but it's great to know there are other ways of keeping in touch with you. And hopefully you'll be able to make a meet-up or two so we don't forget what you look like...hehe!xx

  5. Have a nice blog-break and happy sewing in the meantime - I'm sure we'll all be keeping a close eye out for your return. :) xoxo

  6. Enjoy your blog-break! I like the idea of a blogging break - if you like, here are my thoughts on how to handle your blogging time:


  7. Have a lovely break - relax and enjoy :)

  8. It's a beautiful standing-only skirt though ;) Recharge your batteries!

  9. Enjoy your break, rest up and have a fab time. I look forward to catching up with you later in the year. Take care of yourself lovely x

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